A must read for everyone. In There is a Miracle in 21: God Completes! Lorieen's story is one that many women find themselves in - finding themselves in a place of complete discontentment.
There is no doubt that we all have struggles and life is sometimes not a bowl full of cherries, but as the author proclaims triumphantly from her book - with God we are more than conquerors in Christ and all things are possible with Him. There's one requirement - you've got to give him your mess (life) before He can fix it. She writes to encourage, inspire and give hope to others that are going through their own struggles so that they may find hope, love, forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.
Author Lorieen Henry writes with humor and shares her innermost thoughts (the good,
the bad and the ugly) as she embarked on seven 21-day journeys, over a period of 9 months with the Lord. Her journey lasted 21 months and her writing is therapy to her as she works out her faults, shortcomings and becomes renewed in her mind with the Word of God and the attitudes that God requires of us. The journey is not easy, but it's worth it. Let the author encourage and inspire you to embark on your own journey with God - it's worth it.
A very humorous, enlightening, real life drama book that is down to earth, Lorieen Henry has written in such a way to give hope to those experiencing a lack of importance in their life. She encourages readers to stop and enjoy the "present" that we are now living in. The author states, "This is not a `how to book', but how she got though." Her inviting, fun and witty character flow throughout the book that readers will find refreshing as they sort through their own mess with God and allow Him to put back into place that which is out of place.
Be blessed abundantly.